SSSIG International Group is a leading Trading and Consultation Company which provides high quality B2B , Finished Consumer Products and Raw Materials Supplies to different Industries.

Our strength lies in the ability to provide timely and cost-effective products directly from the source SSSIG driving force is to meet a basic and enduring need in the market place by offering a wide range of products through:  Read more

Driving Force based on profit /return–driven strategy is to establish unique distribution channel to sell all kinds of quality products with competitive prices direct from the source which increase growth rates, and size.

SSSIG Professional Services is exploding not only ways to work better, cheaper and faster by utilizing the resources more efficiently according to the highest standards.

Current markets drive companies globally to continuously reach replicate and challenge their competitors in every service sector across a wide variety of work flows, customers, businesses, standards and laws. This requires resource management, risk management understanding & effectively deal with delivery channels. Read more
Driving force well focusses on the size/growth-driven strategy -- making investment decisions on products or subsidiaries strictly related to increase in sales, growth rates, and size.

Over the years, SSSIG, through long term relationship with customers, has gained considerable understanding of the customer’s business.

We have attempted to leverage this experience, in specific areas, through aligning some of our core capabilities to business needs of our customers. While Information Technology remains our strength, we have realized the need to appreciate and understand the business needs of our customers and use IT to effectively fulfill those needs. Read more
Driving force is to utilize and maintain access to specific natural resources in order to extract them also conditions the marketing strategies that will be implemented to carry out the vision.

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July 20


Supplier Detail

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Aug 10


Services Detail.

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Jun 16

Integrated Solution

Integrated Solution Detail.